Kłopotnica 20, 59-630 Mirsk, Poland
+48 519 860 091
It is possible to pay by credit card on the premises. Guests are kindly asked to make payments in cash or by bank transfer onto our account.
Bank account number
Folwark Wrzosówka Sp. z o.o.
ul. Stanisława Leszczyńskiego 4/29, 50-078 Wrocław
NIP 897-183-20-78
BNP Paribas / Jelenia Gora branch; SWIFT: PPABPLPKXXX
PL34 1750 0012 0000 0000 4087 1411
Transfer name: Name and surname; reservation from… to…
and regulation
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Wrzosowka Grange
we offer 3 suites and 2 large rooms
in a very high standard, each of which has
a unique style and an original bathroom
is a village located in the Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Mirsk municipality, near Swieradow Zdroj. Currently it has 18 inhabited households